Apr 242012

Early quick moving clouds tried to put a damper on the Scout-o-Rama but by the time the event officially started the skies were perfectly clear.  That left a small but well positioned sun spot group as the main attraction at the NFWAA’s merit badge midway display this year.  The sun spot group was far enough from the limb to remain in sight for the whole day but the shape and darkness changed appreciably.  Dennis H. provided a wide angle view of the sun with his 8″ Dobsonian while Tom’s 6″ Newtonian presented a narrower view centered on the sun spot group.

Dennis waits for the first observer of the day.

Tom and Dennis were early enough for the opening ceremonies, with Chuck L., Justin G., and Tony R. filtering in during the day.  The scouts and parents kept up a fairly constant flow of observers and several asked about the club and how to join.

You don't have to be a boy scout to enjoy the Scout-o-Rama.

We would like to thank several members of the Eglin Aeromodelers for their assistance with setting up the pop-up canopy we used for shade.

 Posted by at 11:28 pm

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