Who we are:


The NorthWest Florida Astronomy Association (NWFAA) is a volunteer group dedicated to furthering public awareness of Astronomy. We do this by supporting public observing sessions, demonstrations and group meetings. The NWFAA provides these services on request and free of charge to any organization, including schools, libraries, clubs, scouts, etc.

We meet on the 4th Saturday of each month in the Bluewater Community Church meeting room in Niceville, FL. The meeting room is at the back of the church in the southwest corner. The path to the room is a sidewalk along the south side of the building.

Bluewater Community Church
(meeting room marked in red)

The NWFAA also sponsors periodic events open to the public such as our state park star gazes.  We support National Astronomy Day events held for the public in May and October, the International Observe the Moon night which will be held in October in 2025 and several Sidewalk Astronomer events throughout the year.

Membership is open to anyone with an interest in Astronomy. The club can be a great source of learning for general astronomy, astrophotography and many other topics. Many of our members are very knowledgeable in  CCD imaging, astrophotography, observing techniques and observatory construction. You do not need to own a telescope to join; “scoping out” equipment owned by the club’s members is an excellent way to determine what might be the best equipment for you.

 Posted by at 4:12 pm