It’s been several years since our last visit to Bluewater Elementary School. This year’s star gaze started off with broken skies but as the night went on the skies cleared. So overall, the event went very well with clearing skies, several telescopes and an enthusiastic group of guest observers. We had at least 30 students, teachers and family members present for the evening. We even had a family take advantage of our standing invitation to bring out their personal telescopes to join in the fun.
As usual, Saturn was the ‘star’ of the event. Even easier to see was an 8-day waxing Moon as well as Jupiter and its moons. A little more challenging were several deep-sky objects just visible in the somewhat bright sky.
We had good support from the club:
- Tom Haugh
- Dave and Marietta Hausch
- Olivia Weaver
First, we would like to thank the family that brought out their telescope. Unfortunately, I didn’t write down their name so I can’t ID them specifically. We would also like to thank the staff of Bluewater Elementary School for the invitation to share our passion for the night sky. Finally, we need to, once again, thank our unofficial photographer, Marietta Hausch.