May 282018

The 3rd of February dawned clear and cold. Cold as far as Northwest Florida is concerned. It might have been okay for the participants of the fun run but it was uncomfortable setting up the scopes. But, it warmed up as the event went on and by tear down time it was almost warm enough to doff the jackets and hoodies. Almost.

Dennis discusses the solar view.

Fort Walton Beach first-responders take a break and get a view of the Sun.

Club members Norm Dingle (snowbird), Tom Haugh, and Dennis & Marietta Hausch braved the temperatures. Tom set up his Hydrogen-Alpha telescope, while Dennis set up his white light filtered Maksutov. Unfortunately, the Sun was not cooperating. There was little solar activity to view. Our alternate target, Venus, was too close to the Sun to safely view. Jupiter, our alternate alternate was already below the treeline so we were stuck with the sedentary Sun.

Our group waiting for more guest observers.

A stilted pirate maiden was able to crouch down and view the Sun.

Overall, we had a good event but there were only few guest observers who made it out into the cold.

We want to thank Marietta Hausch for her photos of the event.

 Posted by at 11:22 am

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