Apr 202018

The NWFAA’s first daytime star gaze for the North Okaloosa Association of Homeschoolers (NOAH) was a great success. At least, on our second try. The first was cancelled due to solid overcast but the event on Monday had perfectly clear skies.

We started by giving our solar presentation to the assembled students and parents. After a lively question and answer session the 80+ attendees adjourned to the lineup of scopes.

Dennis Hausch brought his Hydrogen-Alpha scope, Robert Sutphen had his 8″ Celestron filtered for white light views and Tom Haugh set up his spectroscope. Since we didn’t need a second white light scope Dean Covey pointed his scope in a different direction and provided everyone with a daytime view of the crescent Moon.

Dennis shows off the Sun in H-Alpha light.

Part of the line at Robert’s 8″ Celestron.

Future astronomers examine the Sun’s spectrum.

Dean shows you really can see the Moon in the daytime.

We need to, once again, thank Marietta Hausch for her event photography.

 Posted by at 4:18 pm

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