Nov 202015
The 3rd grade students and staff of Destin Elementary school were treated to excellent skies for their daytime sky view on the 14th of October. Dean Covey set up his white light filtered Celestron and Dennis Hausch set up his Coranado H-alpha scope while Tom Haugh was inside giving the club’s solar presentation to half of the 3rd grade students. After the presentation the classes came out, in turn, to the observing field and viewed the Sun. After the first briefing, Tom quickly set up his solar spectroscope and provided a third view of the Sun.
After a lunch break, the second half of the 3rd grade students went through the same process. Throughout the day the skies were clear and the Sun provided just enough solar activity to make the views through the scopes interesting.
We would like to thank Destin Elementary school for the invitation to share our passion for the science of Astronomy. We also thank the staff for lunch; it was greatly appreciated. And finally, we thank Marietta Hausch for her support and photography.