International Observe The Moon Night


14 Sep 2024 - 18:30


Join the members of the NWFAA as we support Northwest Florida State College’s participation in International Observe the Moon Night and view the beauty of our nearest celestial neighbor. Club member and NASA Solar System Ambassador Tom Haugh will be on hand to discuss NASA’s Artemis mission.

We will start setting up our equipment at 5:30 PM if you would like to view the process and ask questions about the telescopes. This would also be the best time to get photos of the equipment.

There are a couple of rules that need to be followed so everyone enjoys the event:

  • Please do not touch the telescopes; an errant bump will cause a delay while the object being observed is brought back into view.
  • This is a family event and children are welcome, but since telescopes are by design somewhat delicate and may be expensive, parental control is necessary.
  • For everyone’s safety and to minimize the effect on night vision, please, no flash photography. If you want a photo of the equipment, please come early enough to get an image before dark.

While there will be plenty of telescopes available to view through, we invite you to bring your own telescopes/binoculars and join in the fun. Make sure you stop by the welcome table and pick up a free Sky Map.

The location is a campus parking lot identified on the map below. X marks the spot. The parking lot will be blocked off for the safety of our guest observers and the observing equipment. Parking locations are identified by a yellow “P”.

For further information or to make sure the weather has not caused a cancellation, please check the college’s Facebook page

 Posted by at 6:04 am