The E. O. Wilson Biophilia Center’s Camp Longleaf was the site of the Girl Scouts of Gateway Council’s 2022 Space Science Campout. The evening started with introductions and a safety briefing. Star maps and NASA handouts were also passed out.
One of the highlights of the evening was when new NWFAA member Olivia Weaver addressed the audience. Olivia is currently a high school senior attending Northwest Florida State College’s collegiate high school. She discussed her current project using the college’s telescope. She also advised the scouts when they got their turn to use the library loaner telescope.
The scouts were treated to a 10-day old Moon as well as Saturn and Jupiter. Several deep sky objects were also on the list as each one cleared the ever-present biophilia center’s trees. The Andromeda Galaxy (M 31) and the Hercules Cluster (M 13) were just two of the additional sights the telescopes were aimed at. Some of the scouts were even able to check off the Neptune block of their observed objects list.
We had plenty of support from the club:
- Dave Halupowski
- Tom Haugh
- Marietta & Dennis Hausch
- Olivia Weaver